Heart crosswords
Heart crosswords

dimension of health that refers to how well the body functions.OF LIFE extent to which a person experiences a healthy,happy, and fulfilling life.state of excellent health and wellness, including physical, mental and wellness,including physical,mental and emotional health, and social conditions that develop due to a person's genes do not require the presence of other risk factors.

heart crosswords

  • persons ability to function positively and overall satisfaction that life's present conditions are good.
  • aspects of peoples lives that increase the chances they will develop a disease or disorder or experience an injury or decline in health.
  • dimension of health that refers to the expression of thoughts and feelings, including emotions,moods,feelings about ones self and views about the world.
  • circumstances,objects or conditions that surround a person's everyday life.
  • poor overall state of health within a person cannot function normally caused by factors such as disease,risky behaviors, hazardous substances, and concerns with mental health.
  • land and features and any bodies of water present in an area.
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    in-person and online communication channels, such as books, TV shows, movies,social media.state of being with out regular,consistent housing.chemical that carries genetic information found in chromosomes.state of complete physical,mental and emotional, and social well-being.choices and behaviors that affect a persons chance of developing a disease, unhealthy, condition or injury.aspects of peoples lives that reduce risk and increase the likelihood of optimal health.

    Heart crosswords